CO2 QUOTE Closing from 06-02-2025 79,94 €/T



Project summary

The project, which is co-financed by the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion, will be developed in the regions of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Occitania to encourage the transfer of knowledge and promote adaptation to the effects of climate change in the vine sector as one of the relevant sectors for the economy of the 3 regions. The partnership responsible for the execution of the project is made up of the Fundación Empresa y Clima, the Chambre Regional d'Agriculture d'Occitanie and Bodegas Binifadet.

Among the activities planned to achieve the identified objectives of the project are the holding of workshops to identify the challenges and needs of the sector to adapt to the effects of climate change, to which all the actors involved will be invited to participate, as well as the preparation of a methodological guide on adaptation and the organization of information and training sessions.


The general objective of the project is to provide information on the impacts of climate change (CC) on grapevine crops and the adaptation opportunities that the sector must implement to guarantee the future of a very important sector in the Euroregion.

To achieve the general objective, specific objectives have been identified:

• Identify common problems and needs in terms of CC impacts.
• Identify best practices for adaptation.
• Promote training and knowledge of the effects of CC and opportunities to adapt its activities.


The fundamental objective of the VIN&ADAPT project is to promote the transfer of knowledge to promote adaptation to the effects of climate change in the vine sector and, to this end, a guide has been drawn up whose purpose is:

  • Publicize the effects of climate change in the wine sector
  • Provide information, in an understandable way, that allows wine growers to implement actions to adapt their activities to climate change.

Climate change is here to stay for a long time, but we have tools to work with and be able to continue doing quality agriculture now and for future generations.