CO2 QUOTE Closing from Cierre del 06-09-2024 65,77 €/T


Our goal is to be the best “green” partner for the Foundation’s member companies. For this, we help and advise them in each and every one of the areas that allow them to be better in the fight against Climate Change.

Membership Options


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

The FEC will carry out all the necessary procedures to be able to accredit one or more of the two persons, depending on the category, that the Member company designates to participate in the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP).



Direct participation in the conferences that the FEC organizes after each COP to explain the results of the climate negotiations.


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Access top-level networking with stakeholders, government and administrations, associations, media, etc.

Access through the FEC to a platform to effectively influence the formulation of policies on climate change.

Belong to a large group of companies with a common interest in the fight against climate change and exchange available best practices, concerns, etc., through the different meetings that are organized.

Attend FEC Dinners in Barcelona and FEC Lunches in Madrid, with important business leaders.

Access through the FEC to a platform to effectively influence the formulation of policies on climate change.

Access top-level networking with stakeholders.


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Authorized use of the Foundation’s logo and banners in all communication elements of the member company.

Interview in the monthly FECnews with a senior official of the company and sent to the entire database of the Foundation.

Possibility of an interview in the monthly FECnews with a senior official of the company and sent to the entire database of the Foundation.

Inclusion of the logo of the company Patrón on the back cover of the book “Report onCO2 emissions in the world” that the FEC produces every year.

Logo and link of the company Patrón in all of the monthly newsletters (FECnews) sent to our database (BBDD).

Logo and link of your company in some of the monthly newsletters (FECnews) sent to our database (database).

Mention on social networks Twitter and Linkedin of the actions of sustainability and fight against climate change carried out by the member company.

Specific mentions on social networks, Twitter and Linkedin of the sustainability and climate change actions carried out by the member company.

Publication of an opinion article or news presented by the member company to send to our database, publish it on our website and on social media.

Possibility of publishing an Opinion Article or news presented by the member company to send to our database, publish it on our website and on social media.

The FEC will issue a press release informing the Foundation of its incorporation.

The FEC will issue a joint press release with other GOLD members informing of the entry into the FEC.


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Possibility of collaborating in the Recruitment of National and International Cooperation Projects that may be of mutual interest.


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Regularly report on all news, legislative regulations, subsidies, agenda and relevant information related to Climate Change.

Informative and scoop sessions with the participation of experts on events, studies and agreements related to climate change (COP’s, IPCC, CIACC).


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Evaluation and interpretation of results on the degree of compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals in the company (2030 Agenda).

Free attendance to the Webinars and Online Seminars organized by the FEC.

Discounts on Webinars and Online Seminars organized by the FEC on current issues.

InCompany training on topics related to climate change that may be of interest to the Patrón company

Seminars for managers and employees, InCompany, on good practices and sustainable policies.



Accompaniment and follow-up in the preparation of an NFIS (Non-Governmental Information Statements). Financial), Taxonomic Report of Activities, Legal Advice and CBAM Reports. Number of hours depending on category.

20 hours

15 hours





Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Free invitation to all the Conferences and Presentations organized by the FEC.

Free invitations or special discounts for attendance at industry-leading events in which the FEC collaborates as a Supporting Organization (Rebuild and Advanced Factories, etc.).

Speaking slot as experts in conferences organized by the FEC or where the FEC collaborates and is possible.

Possibility to be the guest speaker at the Dinners and Lunches organized by the FEC with the attendance of different business and management leaders.

Special discounts for attendance at industry-leading events in which the FEC collaborates as a Support Organization (Rebuild and Advanced Factories).


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Invitation to the presentation of the annual book “Report onCO2 emissions in the world” for customers and managers of member companies. Delivery of copies depending on category.

those requested

1 copy

1 copy

1 copy

1 copy


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Carbon Footprint Report based on GHG Protocol Scopes 1, 2 and 3 of the year prior to adherence to the FEC. For up to * centers. The organization must enter its activity data on the FEC platform (HELIOS). All centres must be in Spain. For each additional centre: €1,200 + VAT. For each International centre 3,000 euros + VAT

12 centers

9 centers

6 centers

3 centers

Calculation of Scope 1 and 2 emissions from previous years (must be consecutive).





Study, documentation and accompaniment for the registration of the Footprint (scopes 1 and 2) in the MITECO Registry. For up to ** years. The organization must provide all the data requested by the FEC within the deadlines established in order to comply with all the requirements of the Ministry. All centres must be in Spain. If external verification is required, this is not included. For each additional year 800 euros + VAT.

5 years

4 years

3 years

2 years

* Consult centers in each category
** Check years in each category


Patron Member


GOLD Member

Silver Member

Core Member

Calculation of the Carbon Footprint and registration with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO). Price subject to budget.

Information on offsetting the emissions generated for companies not subject to the Emissions Trading Directive. Price subject to budget.

Sustainability report (non-mandatory): Document that compiles, in a structured way, all the actions, initiatives and policies carried out by the company in matters of sustainability.

2.000 + VAT

4.000 + VAT

8.000 + VAT

10.000 + VAT

Sustainability Report (mandatory): Report based on the Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD), which introduces stricter standards for affected companies, and which is considered an integral part of the Management Report, subject to verification by an external auditor . The sustainability report becomes as important as the financial report, with which it can be published in an integrated manner. Price subject to budget.

Taxonomy Report

1,000 + VAT

2,000 + VAT

4,000 + VAT

5,000 + VAT

Double materiality analysis according to the CSRD Directive, which allows a double perspective of the impact (of the company on the environment, and of the environment on the financial value).

3.000 + VAT

4.500 + VAT

6.000 + VAT

7.500 + VAT

12.000 + VAT

Advice for the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the company’s strategy for the price indicated in each category plus VAT. This counselling includes 1 activity, regardless of the number of centres. The report is presented on an aggregate basis. Any other services will be budgeted separately.

4.500 + VAT

6.000 + VAT

7.500 + VAT

9.000 + VAT

12.000 + VAT

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Report: price indicated in each category plus VAT The mechanism imposes obligations of information until 31 December 2025 on the importation of products subject to This (cement, iron and steel, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity and hydrogen).

1.000 + VAT

2.000 + VAT

4.000 + VAT

5.000 + VAT

BASIC SERVICE EUDR-23. Compilation and provision of data (plot geolocation and presence deforestation through satellite data analysis) for the drafting of a Report on raw materials and derivative products affected by Regulation 2023/1115 (EUDR). Fixed price plus a variable according to number of hectares to be inspected.

1.000 + €/HA + VAT

1.500 + €/HA + VAT

2.000 + €/HA + VAT

2.500 + €/HA + VAT

3.000 + €/HA + VAT

INTEGRAL SERVICE EUDR-23. Basic Service. Due Diligence Declaration. Certification processing. Maintenance of records and data for 5 years and integration in the value chain and user support.19:36 13/05/2024. Fixed price plus a variable according to number of hectares to be inspected.

7.500 + €/HA + VAT

9.000 + €/HA + VAT

10.500+ €/HA + VAT

12.000+ €/HA + VAT

13.500+ €/HA + VAT


Carbon neutral organizations:

  1. Help reduce global emissions
  2. The effects of Climate Change are diminished
  3. They comply with current legislation
  4. They gain reputation and improve their image
  5. They have competitive advantages to win public and private tenders



The Carbon Footprint (HC) is an environmental indicator that reflects the amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, expressed asCO2 equivalent, that is emitted directly or indirectly as a result of a given activity.

The HC of an organization (Corporate), collects the inventory of GHG emissions associated with the activity of a company or organization. The results allow us to identify the main sources of GHG emissions, which will help us design strategies to reach neutrality.

The fact of studying the Carbon Footprint reveals possibilities for economic improvement and efficiency, showing transparency in impact management, an aspect increasingly valued by customers and investors.

Service calculation of emissions

  1. Define organization or event boundaries and report boundaries.
  2. Selection and collection of data used for quantification.
  3. Calculation of GHG emissions.
  4. Comparison of results with those of previous years and analysis of evolution.
  5. Advice and good practices to apply to reduce emissions in future years.
  6. Carbon Footprint Report.

Reduction plan service

  1. After calculating the emissions, identify the main sources of GHG emissions in our organization on which we have the greatest capacity to act.
  2. Establish reduction target, period covered by the goal and category of emissions included in the goal.
  3. Propose GHG reduction initiatives.
  4. Estimate emission differences attributable to the implementation of reduction initiatives.
  5. Customized Reduction Plan for the organization.
  6. Annual monitoring of the Reduction Plan and analysis of deviations.

Compensation portfolio

Whether they want to fully or partially offset their emissions, we offer them access to our offset portfolio.

  • See the projects that best suit your needs and values
  • Broad portfolio of options for your organization or event to meet carbon neutrality commitments
  • National and International Projects

Miteco Registration Service

The Registry, created by Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, includes the efforts of Spanish organizations in the calculation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activity. Registered organizations may use a seal of ownership of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. (MITECORD). This seal, on the one hand, makes it easier for organizations to demonstrate their participation in the register and, on the other hand, allows to reflect the degree of effort undertaken in the fight against climate change.
The registration of the carbon footprint of companies goes from voluntary to mandatory after the Twelfth Final Provision of Law 7/2021 on Climate Change and Energy Transition (through the modification of Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14).

  1. Preparation of the necessary documentation for registration.
  2. Accompaniment throughout the process until the resolution of the processing.

What do I need to start?

  • Tell us your needs and we will make a budget
  • Special conditions for our members

Recent clients

Learn about the benefits for companies that comply with current regulations:

  1. Integrate Climate Change into the company’s business strategy
  2. They extend climate management in the sector’s operations
  3. They ensure a sustainable supply of energy in the sector
  4. They support climate management in the value chain
  5. Respond to expectations of more sustainable consumption

Legal advice service

  • Learn about the latest updates of international and national environmental regulations by sector.
  • Legal advice regarding current regulations


The legislation on Climate Change is many and dispersed since it covers different areas (International, European, State) and affected business sectors.


Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) .

Special conditions for our members.


The legislation on Climate Change is many and dispersed since it covers different areas (International, European, State) and affected business sectors.


Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) .

Special conditions for our members.

NDC service

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

NDCs are one of the key tools to measure what each country is doing in terms of Climate Change. Almost all NDCs include a target to reduceCO2 emissions by a certain amount over a given amount of time, and most of them also highlight how Climate Change will affect their country and how they intend to adapt to such changes.
The Paris Agreement of 2015, in which 196 Parties made a pact committing to take drastic measures in the short, medium and long term to fight Climate Change.
The NDCs are a fundamental part because they are the document through which each country puts on the table the national efforts that it would carry out as of 2020 to:

  • Keep the increase in global temperature well below 2 °CFortalecer the capacity to adapt to the adverse effects of Climate Change and increase resilience.

We help you locate the applicable NDCs in each of your locations and your climate development plan with our NDC SERVICE.


Of the NDCs and possible LTS (Long Term Strategy) presented by different countries.


On the NDC and LTS of each country around the world, so that if a company has centers or headquarters in other countries we can inform you of the level of compliance required in those countries of interest.


From the document corresponding to the updated submission of corresponding NDC, which describes how the emission reduction strategy is addressed in the contracted country.



In September 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an action plan for people, planet, prosperity and universal peace. This agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and 169 specific goals to be achieved by 2030. A universal appeal is made to governments, businesses and civil society for the achievement of a sustainable world.

The 17 SDGs are fundamental frameworks for guiding companies towards more sustainable and resilient business models, as they represent a key ally for this development. In fact, more and more companies, from all sectors, are contributing to the achievement of these goals through initiatives.

SDG Training

SDG training helps workers understand the current context and framework of the 2030 Agenda, as well as understand how the company’s values and strategy are aligned towards a more sustainable future. The training fosters, among all members of the organization, the search for more sustainable solutions to contribute to the fulfillment of this Agenda.

– In-Company Training
– Online Training
– Webinars

Integration of SDGs in the Company

The integration of the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets provides the company with a clear and relevant purpose. It allows the company to align its strategy with global challenges and demonstrates its commitment to building a more sustainable future. In addition, these companies are better positioned to access new markets, improve their corporate reputation, get ahead of the regulatory framework, among others.

Phases of the integration of the SDGs in the company:

– Initial diagnosis
– Value chain mapping
– Identification of the most relevant SDGs for the organization
– Identification of impacts
– Carbon Footprint Calculation (Scope 1 and 2)
– Definition of monitoring indicators
– Planning objectives and goals
– Accompaniment in the design of the SDG Communication Plan
– SDG Report

Best Practices Blog

More and more companies are contributing to the achievement of the SDGs through targets or good practices.
If you are a company committed to the SDGs, we invite you to share the actions you have taken with the member companies of the Business and Climate Foundation.

Self-assessment test in SDGs

Take the Test and get a free, no-obligation result in just a few minutes.

The result obtained on the company’s contribution to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is indicative.

This questionnaire has been developed by the FEC, which has a complete team of qualified professionals with extensive experience in the field of Sustainability. We guarantee that our self-testing system is completely confidential.

Access the test

Your company has the power to lead change through its strategy. Our 17 SDG self-assessment and integration service will provide you with the compass to understand your current position and thus navigate towards a stronger and more meaningful contribution, strengthening the path to a sustainable future.


Services Training and dissemination

We analyze and publish

We analyze all the information that may be of interest to our member companies and publish value-added reports for the sector.

11 books published on the analysis of CO 2 emissions in the World, Europe and Spain.

22 presentations made in 8 different cities. 2,500 attendees in total.

Conferences and presentations

An important work carried out by the FEC is to organize or participate in all conferences, seminars and presentations for companies related to Climate Change.

Conferences, seminars and presentations. 10 countries: Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Morocco, France, Argentina, Bolivia, Dominican Republic. 2,715 attendees in total.

Training and advisory

Training and awareness is key in companies that want to lead the fight against Climate Change. We enjoy training professionals involved in achieving it.

More than 600 entrepreneurs from various sectors trained through various courses in: Energy efficiency, Life cycle analysis and carbon footprint, Calculation of CO 2 emissions.

More than 800 queries made by companies.



The new European Union Deforestation Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 (EUDR) comes into force on December 30, 2024 and imposes on companies the
responsibility to ensure that their products, before being introduced and marketed in the European Union, are not associated with deforestation and forest degradation in order to contribute to reducing deforestation worldwide.

In order to be marketed, these products must be deforestation-free, have been produced in accordance with the relevant legislation of the country of production and be accompanied by a Due Diligence Statement/simplifies.

At the FEC we help companies to verify that their products comply with the legislation of the country of origin, including regulations related to human rights, etc. In addition, we prepare the Due Diligence reports that must accompany the products we want to introduce, market or export to the EU to verify that they do not come from supply chains associated with deforestation and forest degradation.

Once again, the EU, through this Regulation, advocates to continue contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the loss of biodiversity on the planet.


This service provides the necessary informationto know if the área is affected by deforestation, among others.

– Verification of legal compliance in the country of production
– Geolocation data
– Satellite image analysis for the detection of deforestation in the indicated geolocations.


This service provides the necessary information for the
company to perform the Due Diligence Statement, among

– Everything included in the basic service
– Completion of the Due Diligence Statement / Simplified
Due Diligence Statement:

           o Report with information requirements
           o Risk Assessment
           o Risk reduction plan

– Maintenance of the annual DDD for a period of 5 years.
– Processing of product certification*.
– Integration in the value chain
– User support

*Product certification will be performed by an external
certifier. The price of the certification is not included in the service.