CO2 QUOTE Closing from Cierre del 16-05-2024 68,59 €/T

EU Information

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Action Plan of the Alliance for the European Solar Industry.
Despite widespread recognition that the European PV sector is strategic for Europe, 2023 has been a very challenging year for the European industry. The collapse of PV module prices, the accumulation of module stocks, high electricity prices and the apparent...
Statement by Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson.
On March 31, our gas reserves were more than 58% full. The high level of gas storage in Europe means that markets are becoming more stable and prices have returned around pre-war levels, and Europe can confidently start stocking up...
European Solar Chart.
Solar energy is currently the fastest-growing renewable energy source. Last year, 56 GW of solar PV was installed in the EU, two-thirds of it on rooftops, empowering consumers and protecting them from high prices. The installations carried out in 2022...
The circular economy in Europe.
The circular economy goes beyond waste management: it’s about keeping the value of materials high and making them last longer in their intended use. It also seeks to design material that is not unnecessary. This requires new business models and...
Climate policy priorities for the next European Commission
The EU adopted an agenda that is having profound impacts on the EU’s economy and society. Much has changed in the world since the European Green Deal and the “Fit for 55” packages were conceived, including a dramatic increase in...
The European Union's 2040 climate target. European Comission.
A historically high acceleration of climate disruptions in 2023 coincided with global warming reaching 1.48°C above pre-industrial levels for the first time. It is more evident than ever that achieving a stable climate and safeguarding a livable planet for current...
Volume and destruction of returned and unsold textiles in the European circular economy.
Textiles cause the fourth largest life-cycle negative pressure on the environment and climate change, so the practice of product destruction is an expression of the take, make, and dispose logic of the current production system. In addition, the growth of...
Communication from the Commission: Managing climate risks: protecting people and prosperity.
The outlook for Europe is well presented in the first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) conducted by the European Environment Agency, so in the best-case scenario, in which we limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, Europe will...
Commission report on disaster risk prevention and management in Europe.
In 2013, the Decision on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism was adopted, and in view of the increase in disasters, it is essential to emphasise prevention, and in accordance with Article 5 of the Decision, the Commission should regularly report...
Report on climate risks in Europe.
The report identifies 36 climate risks with potentially serious consequences for Europe, assessed based on the severity of the risk, the policy horizon (anticipation time and decision horizon), policy preparation and who is affected. It also identifies priorities for EU...
The cost to health and the environment due to industrial air pollution in Europe.
The economic costs associated with the negative impacts of air pollution caused by industrial plants are substantial. Methods for estimating the harms associated with the impacts of industrial pollution on human health, ecosystems, infrastructure, and climate continue to evolve, and...
EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework.
Agreement has been reached on a regulation to establish the first certification framework for permanent carbon removal, carbon farming and carbon storage in products. It aims to facilitate the deployment of high-quality carbon removal and soil emissions systems, and when...