Joan Planes Vila
President of the Private Company and Climate Foundation
Alfred Martínez-Sabadell Miguel
Member of the Private Company and Climate Foundation
Albert Mateu Castelló
Hera Holding Habitat, Ecology and Environmental Restoration, S. L.
Santos Gracia Villar
President of FUNIBER
Victoria Morales Romeu
Human Resources Manager Borges International Group
Eloy Planes Corts
Executive Chairman of Fluidra, S. A.
Joan Carles Virgili Font
Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona, S. A. U.
Francesc Rubiralta Rubió
President and CEO at Grupo Celsa
Manuel Puig Rocha
Vice Chairman and CSO of Puig, S.L.
Carlos Martinez Ferrer
Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer of Molins, S. A.
Miquel Lope Alonso
General Manager Carburos Metálicos (Air Products Group)
Xavier Comerma Carbonell
Deputy General Manager & Territorial Manager of Catalonia of Banco Sabadell
Susana Lozano Godoy
Director AENOR Conocimiento
Emili Rousaud Parés
CEO and Founder of Factorenergia