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Morocco Water Project



The sustainable management of water is an aspect of capital importance in the economy of Morocco, a country characterized by an arid climate and scarce water reserves that are constantly diminishing and polluted due to ineffective and inefficient management of residual waters.

This finding, together with the need to adapt to the current context of climate change, have forced the country's government to promote from now on, through legal instruments such as the Law on Water of 1995 or its modifications to 2002 and 2008 of the Communal Charter of 1976, the creation and the millionaire of hydraulic and sanitation infrastructures and the development of measures destined to the efficient management of water in the cold sectors of the seve economy.

In this context, the project “Improving the competitiveness of the agro-industrial, textile and leather tanners sector in the province of Marràqueix mitjançant a sustainable management of water consumption” is highlighted, fruit of the collaboration between the Fundació Empresa i Clima (FEC) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marràqueix (CCIM), in the period of temps comprès between July 2012 and October 2013.

Catalonia is a solid reference in the development and implementation of measures of efficiency in water management and the FEC compates among its members amb various companies in the water sector. Això will stimulate the interest and the request by the CCIM to carry out a joint project with the FEC to promote awareness and the implementation of sustainable water management measures in three key business sectors of the country: agriculture -industrial, the textile and the leather tanners in the region of Marràqueix.

The participation of the local counterpart, the CCIM, has been key since the beginning to determine the economic sectors on which to focus the project and to be able to apply the experience and support that the FEC offers to companies in the future. adaptation to climatic change, tot maintenance or millorant the levels of business competitiveness.



Activity 1

Activity 1, cross-cutting and coordinated by Ms. Elvira Carles, director of the FEC, has been throughout the project and has consisted of monitoring, control and assessment for such 'ensure the achievement of results. As long as this activity ends, it has been necessary to carry out an initial task of coordination and planning, which has included the first 5 months of the project, as well as the objective of establishing the project's operating mechanisms, the schedule of tasks to be developed, internal communication methods and the publication and use of dissemination tools.

Of the three missions carried out throughout the project, the first two have been completely dedicated to this activity, while the last mission, at month 16, has also been destined to last other activities beyond the follow-up, the control and evaluation of the project.

Specifically, during mission 1, carried out in month 6, the project was presented with its severe characteristics by representatives of the FEC as well as representatives of the ICMC and a group of local companies in order to achieve dissemination dins the business world of Marroc and arouse business interest in this initiative. In the annexes 1.1 and 1.2 it is provided the content of the presentation made and the list of assisting companies respectively.

During the course of this activity, he has contacted the local company Resing, specialized in environmental consulting and, in particular, in the water sector, which has been subcontracted in order to facilitate the management of activities. on the spot and the contact with other local companies. Of course, it has allowed to eliminate a mission that was planned for activity 2, finally executed by Resing.

During mission 2, carried out in month 10, there have been activities to coordinate and follow up on activities 2, 3 and 4, which are detailed below, through meetings between the FEC, the CCIM and the local partner , the company Resing.

Finally, during mission 3, completed by month 16, in addition to carrying out activities 5, 6 and 7, which are detailed in subsequent sections, a coordination meeting and final assessment have been held in order to review and verify the effective assessment of results as they are listed more extensively in this document.

Activity 2

L'activitat 2, developed at the end of the third quarter of the project, between January and March 2013, has bought the list of data and bibliographic sources on the management and consumption of water in the business sector. As stated in the previous section, mission 1, carried out as part of activity 1, has allowed you to contact the local Resing company, so that they have facilitated the identification tasks of 'Organisms with competences in the field of water, the country's legislation, market conditions and data on the current consumption of water in agro-industrial, textile and leather tanning companies in the region of Marràqueix .

Of course, the subcontracting of Resing in this project has made it possible to delegate a large part of these tasks, such as the distribution of inquiries, to companies in the sectors to be studied, so that it has not been necessary to carry out a specific mission in this concept , but it has been sufficient to carry out mission 2 in order to coordinate and assess the obtained results, which are detailed below.

Annex 2.1 includes the proportional survey model for local companies and the surveys used in Arabic (yes or no), together with the French translation. Annex 2.2 contains the official communication from the CCIM to request the companies to collaborate on this project through the communication of the water management based on the surveys used.

Activity 3

This activity, due to end between months 9 and 10 (March and April 2013), has consisted in the analysis and treatment of the data obtained in activity 2 in order to detect possible measures and lines of action of in order to improve water management in the business sectors object of this study. This task, aimed at directing these sectors to a sustainable consumption to maintain or increase business competitiveness, has been coordinated by the company Albea Transenergy SL, an environmental consultancy in charge of providing technical and financial support to the FEC.

Annex 3.1 includes the list of participating companies in the surveys and Annex 3.2 includes a report with the results obtained.

Activity 4

The activity 4, carried out during months 10, 11, 12 and 13 (from April to July 2013), has meant the elaboration of a Manual of Bones Pràctiques in the management of water for the targeted business sectors d'estudi in the region of Marràqueix. The data analysis described in the activity 4 and its results have allowed us to address the drafting of this guide to reduce water consumption and improve business competitiveness, keeping in mind the real situation of the companies.

The development and writing of the manual, which is attached in annex 4.1, have been supervised by Elvira Carles, with the technical support of Albea Transenergy SL

Activity 5

This activity, carried out during mission 3 to month 16 (September 2013), has been dedicated to the presentation of the Manual of Bones Pràctiques described in the previous activity by the CCIM. The goal has been to communicate the methodology and the associated results in order to raise awareness and train entrepreneurs, workers and support organizations on the relevance of water efficiency for environmental reasons com of business competitiveness.

The coordination of this activity has been assigned to the CCIM, while the technical assistance for the duration of the presentation day, along with the assessment and dissemination of the Manual, have been carried out by Mr. Carlos Gonzalo, from the Astramatic company (Fluidra group), and Albea Transenergy SL In annex 5.1 there are photographs corresponding to this session.

Activity 6

The activity 6, due to finish also during mission 3, has purchased the realization of a joint seminar for all the companies of the sectors considered in this project to spread the contents of the Manual davant the local business context.

The speaker of the seminar has been Mr. Carlos Gonzalo, member of Astramatic, a Catalan company specialized in application technologies and water management systems, has allowed me to enrich the transmission of knowledge and contribute the Catalan experience in this camp to the project. The program and the materials referring to this session are attached in annex 6.1, while the ICMC's invitation to convene companies to the seminar and the registration form for companies are attached as annex 6.2, and the List of these companies is included in the annex 6.3. Finally, in annex 6.4 there are photographs corresponding to this session.

At the request of the rapporteur of the ICMC, for logistics reasons, it was decided to replace the 3 separate seminars per type of activity or economic sector that were initially planned for a single seminar aimed at companies from the 3 sectors. Amb this integration is also aimed at a better degree of transparency between companies from different sectors and a transversality that makes possible measures and possible applicable instruments in the correct management of water.

Activity 7

This activity, carried out during mission 3, was planned with the realization of visits to 3 companies from the 3 business sectors of study previously selected with the collaboration of the CCIM in order to carry out strategies and action plans adapted to each sector. Ara bé, assessed by the CCIM and the local company Resing, has opted to replace the textile sector with the marble sector, considering the large emerging sector in the area of analysis that covers this project.

The organization of this activity has been established as part of the CCIM, with the participation of the FEC, Astramatic and Albea Transenergy SL

Annex 7.1 includes the attendance certificate for the 3 selected companies and annex 7.2 includes the graphic material of the visiting organizations.

Activity 8

Finally, activity 8, carried out during month 16, has consisted in the development of the 3 strategies and 3 action plans derived from the visits described in activity 7, which are included in annexes 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of this document.

The activity, coordinated by Mr. Carlos Gonzalo and with the support of the CCIM, the FEC and Albea Transenergy SL, have also served to establish a follow-up and support plan for the future implementation of the measures foreseen in the action plans.



The fundamental objective of this project is to determine with the improvement of competitiveness in the business sectors object of study in the region of Marràqueix, to assist through the specific objective of promoting efficient use of water resources per part of the companies of aquests sectors. In response to the implementation of this objective, the following specific results will be proposed:

1. Diagnosis of the water problem.
2.Preparation of a Manual of Bones Pràctiques in the management of water for the considered sectors.
3.Realització of 3 seminars on efficient water management oriented to the study sectors.
4.Development of 3 strategies and action plans for the efficient management of water adapted to climate change for 3 companies from the analyzed sectors.

Once the project is finalized, it is possible to verify that various activities have been carried out in order to consolidate the previous results.

In the first place, it was due to establish a collaboration between the local company Resing, specialized in the water sector, which has allowed them to bring together more organizations with competences in this area and distribute surveys between companies of the sectors analyzed in this study for such a long period of time that I satisfactorily completed an analysis of data intended for the diagnosis of the water problem (result 1).

Accordingly, the Handbook of Bones Pràctiques in the management of water supervised by specialists in the matter has been developed and published (result 2).

Thirdly, at the request of the CCIM and the speaker of the seminars, for logistics reasons, a joint seminar was held for the companies of the 3 analyzed sectors in order to individualize the seminars for each area of activity, using materials graphics and diffusion that is detailed in the annexes of the quest document (resultat 3).

Finally, in fourth quarter, visits were made to 3 companies, one from each of the considered sectors, so that it was possible to satisfactorily carry out the 3 strategies and action plans initially proposed (result 4).

As it is going to be determined initially, the degree of effectiveness of the project itself is that it will be possible to verify in a precise way after one year of its finalization, as long as the efforts made for the awareness and training of the companies and the Good response from some of these companies to be optimistic in this sense and allow a prior positive assessment pending confirmation with definitive tangible results.

Substituting the textile sector for the marble sector, as detailed in the description of activity 7.


The project "To ensure the competitiveness of the agro-industrial business sector, textile and tanners of the field in the province of Marràqueix mitjançant una gestió sostenible del consum d'aigua" has allowed to establish a cooperation between the Fundació Empresa i Clima (FEC) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marràqueix (CCIM) for the export of the Catalan experience in the management of the water in a business sector and a region in which it is phonemental, Permetent arribar als objectius inicials establerts d'un mode satisfactori.

As a consequence of the missions realities, the elaboration and dissemination of the Manual of Practices in the management of the water and the development of individual business action plans, have established the bases for achieving a sustainable consumption of the same together with a million of the business competitiveness in the sectors object of this study. More on the face, això represents a pilot experience and a model to follow that is easily extended to other business sectors in the region or country.

Tot i that the assessment of the real results obtained from the implementation of the project may only last after a cert temps a cop to finalize the project, the real success of the Catalan model, the experience among the participating companies and The good disposition of the ICMC allows us to be optimistic and expect an effective profit as it is going to establish in the initial objectives. Això allows a considerable environmental benefit, especially to a country with unequal geographical conditions that are particularly necessary for us and the optimal use of the scarce existing water resources.