With this new Report on Emissions of Greenhouse Effect Gases (GHG), and there are now ten, the Empresa y Clima Foundation renews its commitment to all companies, all administrations and society in general.
This document has become a good analysis tool used by many actors both nationally and internationally. Many are those who use this report to outline the decision-making that leads them to be more competitive and sustainable.
Every year there are more people involved in carrying out this valuable analysis, but above all it is necessary to thank the entire team of the Fundación Empresa y Clima for the work and dissemination they do of this report. Also thank the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment through the Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Office for Climate Change for their invaluable help. Lastly, we would like to extend our thanks to companies such as Global Omnium, Rockwool, Fundación Bancaria La Caixa, EPSON and Eldu, without whom it would not have been possible to produce this new report for yet another year.