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The European Commission presents its new strategy for renewable hydrogen

The European Commission moves and raises the role of hydrogen in its new strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In this way, the agency has published the European Union strategy for the integration of the energy system and the hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe. A step that demonstrates the Commitment and strong commitment of the Commission for this technology in order to achieve the climate objectives set by the EU for 2030 and 2050.

In addition, the Commission, together with industry leaders, civil society, government representatives and the European Bank, has launched the “European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A)” with the aim of contributing to the implementation of the Hydrogen Strategy.

The Spanish Hydrogen Association enthusiastically welcomes this announcement that positions hydrogen as one of the main technologies for the decarbonization of the economy and the integration of the energy system at European level. This initiative gives a boost and endorses, on the other hand, the recently presented, at the proposal of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), the first draft law on Climate Change and Energy Transition (PLCCTE). A document that represents the first legislative project for Spain to reach neutrality of emissions no later than 2050, taking another step towards a green economy and that represents an increase in Spanish ambition in terms of climate in line with the climate agenda and the Paris Agreement.

In addition, in line with this commitment and commitment to hydrogen, MITECO is working on the elaboration of the Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap in Spain, a central tool to guide and promote the deployment and development of renewable hydrogen in Spain; to achieve the objectives established in the NECP 2021-2030.

In this context, and as shown by the European Commission, with its new strategy framed in the so-called “Green Deal”, the hydrogen sector is prepared to play a key role as a facilitator of the integration of the energy sector and a systemic role in the transition to renewable sources. With the addition that Europe would be at the forefront of the hydrogen economy, laying the foundations for a globalized market.

“The potential of hydrogen is enormous and, today, the European Commission is taking a step forward to boost the development of that potential. It is time to work together to make this new strategy a reality. A strategy that will allow us to achieve the objectives set by the “Green Deal”, stimulate economic recovery and decarbonize the economy by 2050. But, for this, it will require a greater volume of investments, greater regulation, the creation of a hydrogen market and a strong commitment to research and innovation. From the AeH2 we are excited about this new path that we are undertaking and, as always, we will continue working for the promotion of hydrogen as a key factor to achieve climate neutrality”, says Javier Brey, president of the AeH2.

Source: CSR Commitment